

上 game world or real world seat belts save lives 515514-Game world or real world seat belts save lives

According to NHTSA, seat belts saved 12,174 US lives in 12 As such, a person who wears a seat belt is far much safer than a person who doesn't However, simply wearing a seat belt shouldn't turn you into a sloppy, cavalier road user Road safety is a combination of many disciplines of which wearing a seat belt is simply one Seat belt use has risen over the past several decades – to around 90% in recent years – yet teens are the group least likely to wear seat belts Consequently, most teens killed in car crashes were not wearing seat belts Buckling up can't be something that your teen constantly needs reminding of, it has to become secondnatureThey also wear them when they drive off the track I used to race SCCA in California, and once asked a bunch of drivers what was the most dangerous drive they did Do Seat Belts Really Save Lives Probinsky Cole Game world or real world seat belts save lives